Matteo Balzarini Zane

Graduate in Political Science, International Relations and Human Rights

I graduated in 2020 in Human and Social Sciences (traditional curriculum) from the Liceo di Stato G. Bagatta State in Desenzano del Garda (IT-BS), and in 2023 I obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science, International Relations and Human Rights (class L-36) from the University of Padua (IT-PD).
I am currently a student attending the Master's Degree course in Government Sciences and Public Policies (class LM-63) at the same University and I am part of the organization of the international project Across the Sea: Our Bond to the Mediterranean (for more information,

Since May 2024, I have been curating the column "Forgotten Wars", published on the information site Real Clear - World. The goal is to analyze the geopolitical and strategic interests underlying the conflicts that major newspapers do not highlight.

I have a particular interest in research in the field of political science and history. The focal point of my work (some of which are available in the Documents section of this site) is the belief that society, understood as an entity in itself and not as a mere sum of individuals, is crucial for strategic, relational, and cultural balances; consistently with this, each of my research is carried out using a sociological approach to the subject of study.

I am self-taught in computer science: I have a good command of the main operating systems and their integrated daily use software; moreover, I have a basic knowledge of programming languages used for web development (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) and to data analysis (in particular, Python).
My research activity has led me to develop computer skills related to the use of specific software for data sampling and processing, such as RedCap and Jamovi.

I have had various work experiences that have allowed me to develop those essential cross-functional skills in daily life, including: relational and interpersonal skills, organizational skills, and administrative skills. In the Documents section, you can download my complete CV.

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